« Tests / Sampler

Object Movie

image © Petr Vostřel

Directional Sprite

{ speed:        1,
  opening:      1,
  frame:        3,
  delay:        3,
  directional:  true }

  `speed` 1 is one revolution
  per second (1 Hz). It is animated
  after 1 second long `opening` spin
  and a 3 second `delay`.
photo © Erik Kluka

Clockwise Sprite

{ speed:   -0.3,
  frames:  35,
  cw:      true }

  Unlike the other formula car sample
  this one's sprite is clockwise-
photo © Erik Kluka

Non-Animated Sprite

{ frames:  35,
  opening: 2,
  entry: 1 }

  This one isn't fully animated,
  but has a 2 seconds long `opening`
  with `entry` speed of 1 Hz.
image © Petr Vostřel

Multi-Row Sprite

{ speed:    0.3,
  frames:   6,
  footage:  3,
  rows:     3,
  row:      2 }

  Additionally custom class "bordered"
  (the dashed border) is applied
  on the IMG and is being preserved.
photo © Matt Smith

Multi-Row Sequence

{ frames:  20,
  frame:   14,
  rows:    6,
  row:     3,
  speed:   0.3,
  path:    'samples/mini/',
  images:  mini_frames() }

  Helper function `mini_frames` returns
  simply an array of filenames
  [ '001.jpg',
    '120.jpg' ]

Dual-Orbit Sequence

{ footage:  10,
  cw:       true,
  orbital:  3,
  inversed: true,
  speed:    0.7,
  path:     'samples/phone/',
  images:   phone_frames(20) }

  Helper function `phone_frames` returns
  simply an array of filenames
  [ '01.png',
    '19.png' ]
image © Petr Vostřel


{ speed:   2,
  delay:   1,
  path:    'samples/',
  images:  [ 'badge-1.gif',
             'badge-4.gif' ] }

  `delay` tells it to wait 1 second
  before starting to play
image © Mark Leidman


{ cw:      true,
  frame:   32,
  speed:   -0.2,
  path:    'samples/drone/',
  images:  drone_frames() }

  Helper function `drone_frames` returns
  simply an array of filenames
  [ '00001.png',
    '00179.png' ]

Panorama Movie

photo © Petr Vostřel


{ frames:   32,
  footage:  4,
  speed:    0.1 }

Rectilinear Panorama

photo © Tom Nguyen

Click-Free Stitched

{ stitched:   1821,
  frames:     60,
  frame:      23,
  speed:      -0.05,
  clickfree:  true }
photo © Greg Miernicki

Non-Looping Stitched

{ stitched:  1072,
  loops:     false,
  steps:     30,
  step:      15,
  speed:     -0.1,
  timeout:   1 }